What we do
BYC delivers a service to young people in the North East Inner City from the ages of 7-24 years.
BYC is one of very few projects that deliver a service to the 7-9 year old age cohort.
BYC is open from 8 til late 6 days a week. Our service provision can be categorised as follows:
Drop Ins
Homework Club
Food Provision
Arts & Crafts
Sporting Activities
Seasonal Programmes
Summer Camps
Outdoor Activities
Support & Development
Logic models
Collaborative work
Residential Programmes
Targeted youth

Scheduled Interventions
Unscheduled interventions
One to one work
Personal Development
Employability programmes
Issue Based workshops
Structured Group Work

BYC has a designated outreach team that brings our youth work to the streets of the North East Inner City. This model of work engages the harder to reach young people who are not in Employment, Education or Training.

Our Funders